
REE Reporting and Planning Workshop


A reporting and planning workshop for REE is scheduled for April 18 and 19, 2016 in Ottawa. Day One will provide a summary and discussion of work completed in Year One. This will include presentations on the work completed under the four technical committees – characterization, physical processing, leaching/separation and environment – as well as overarching studies undertaken during the first year, such as an updated rare earth elements R&D gap analysis and the state of the global rare earth industry: a review of market, production, processing and associated environmental issues. Day One will conclude with a draft list of R&D topics/projects for Year Two.

The second day of the workshop will consist of individual technical committee breakout sessions to further define the Year Two work plan. Shortly after the workshop, the REE steering committee will meet to approve the work plan for the second year of the program.

If you are interested in attending and did not already receive an invitation please contact us.